I have done a lot of travel, and I still love and admire my little town and its attempts to be just that little bit more unique than anywhere else in the world.
This is a graffiti art in the East End of Adelaide near the cinemas, it is two a couple of Michael Jackson drawings, this being the Thriller version but there is also a MJ 'Off the Wall' version as well:
Not sure why I took this picture, but it slightly amused me that someone was driving around with a car that has eyelashes - definately and indivual game enough to drive this little lady around:
This was a 3D chalk art display done in the middle of Rundle Mall, it is of the Tardis from the DR Who movies, I thought it was awesome, it will just be a shame when we get some rain:
Vegetables in the East End:
(p.s. there is a cache here LOL)
Oh yeah there is a cache here as well:
Oh yeah there is a cache here as well: